MixerPro 1.2
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This is the base class for the MixerPRO engine.

To instantiate the class use the following code:

(Global section)

[COM Version]
Dim WithEvents mpCtrl As MixerPro.CMixerPro

[.NET Version]
Dim WithEvents mpCtrl As New MixerProNET.CMixerPro

(Form Load Event)

[COM Version]
Set mpCtrl = New MixerPro.CMixerPro
mpCtrl.Initialize Me.hWnd

[.NET Version]
(no code required)






Initialize(hWnd As Long) [COM Version Only]
This method must be called before trying to access any of the interfaces provided by the base class.

The hWnd parameter must contain the window handler for the form initializing the class.


Changed(MixerIndex As Integer, LineIndex As Integer, ControlIndex As Integer)
This event is fired every time a control in any of the available mixers changes .

The event will pass the index of the control that has changed as well as the line and mixer to which the control belongs.

This event is fired every time an audio device is added, removed or the default audio device is changed.
You should re-initialize your application when this event is triggered as the Mixers collection will change to reflect the changes on the system.